Originally, to save money, Mike had planned on doing the rough plumbing and electrical himself. However, on a whim Mike called a plumber who had done our friends pool just to find out how much he would charge to do the job. He gave Mike and offer he couldn’t refuse. I was a little relieved because Mike still needed to finish our yard drains and we were really hoping to get the shell done before we got any more rain. The plumber worked quickly and was very clean. You can see how well he planned out his runs and everything. We have three bubblers in the baja shelf and he plumbed each one on a separate line rather than one long run. This will allows us to taper each bubbler individually so that they can all be the same height. He also plumbed the spa jets so that they won’t need a blower – this was big for us. Our pool equipment is close to the spa and we are already looking for ways to keep the sound down. Mike still plans on doing the finish plumbing and electrical, but this was a big time saver and we came in under budget.

See how nice and clean each runs is? Plus, he put in Jandy valves, which make fixing a problem later a lot easier as you don’t have to cut them out. He also plumbed everything higher off of the ground so that we could work on it without braking our backs later on. Mike seemed really impressed with his work ethic and knowledge and I think he’s pretty pumped that he decided to have him do the roughing in.