Because of the rain we’ve worked on the pool for maybe three days total of real physical labor. The rest of the work has been behind the scenes planning lights, getting bids, pricing materials and equipment. In the process I think we’ve been able to hone in on what we do and don’t like but are still very open to suggestions from people who have been through this before. Mike made a time lapse video of the digging we’ve done so far and there is a little surprise in there: Mike decided he wanted to do the digging so enjoy the video I like to call, “The little bobcat that could” and be ready to see some cameo appearances from all members of our family including me with a shovel….
Pool dig video part 1, “The little bobcat that could”
Here is some chicken scratch of our lighting plan so far:
The lights we plan on using are called Hayward Colorlogic lights. They look like this:
We will be able to control them from an app on our phone or remote and they are led. Instead of two large pool lights we are doing a variety of different smaller lights. This made more sense to us since we have quite a few different seating areas and it’s ideal to place lights behind the seating area rather than shining at it. Unless you like when lights get shined directly into your face….
As I understand it, two 320’s = one standard pool light in terms of lumens and four 160’s = one standard pool light and eight 80’s = one standard pool light. And one standard pool light = very stark and blinding light that no one really wants to look into. So being able to cut that up and distribute it around the pool makes my “design eye” happy. ?