This part wasn’t very interesting (maybe because I only drilled a few holes myself), but Mike, who drilled over 60 holes into our slab thought I should write about it. I think he should write about it.
Guess who’s writing about it…
Yesterday was “special inspection day”. We had a deputy inspector come out and watch Mike clean, prep, and epoxy everysinglehole. One hole at a time. Does this sound expensive? It is. It’s expensive for a few reasons, one, we have to drill each hole with a hammer drill an average of 12″ into the existing footers and in some places up to 9″ on center – it is all dependent on the shear wall schedule – it’s intense and pointless to go into, but let’s just say, in case of another Northridge quake, I know our walls will not be coming down. Two, we have to fill each hole with an epoxy anchor adhesive that’s price changes more often than gas, it hardens to over 14,000 psi. I’m told it will withstand the apocalypse. Three, we have to pay a “deputy inspector” (guy with a certificate and can charge whatever price he wants) to watch us fill the holes with epoxy and rebar.
After the deputy inspector watches us fill each hole, according to the engineered details on our blueprints, he writes a report we submit with our footing inspection before we can pour our footers and slab. And even before we do that we have to have our engineer come out and check all of our epoxied rebar and the report from the deputy and sign his own report verifying we built it as planned.
Bored enough yet? I wish I could make this more interesting but I.just.can’t.
P.S. we passed our “special inspection”.
Now if we can just get all our footers dug and forms up we may be able to pour that slab next week!