Fire1 (1)

I wish. Then I wouldn’t have spent three days working on it. My gawd it’s awful work. I would never be a roofer. It’s hot, and I don’t mean just the air around you, but physically the asphalt shingles will burn your skin. The good news is, I got a great tan, the bad news is, well there is just waaaay too much bad news. Tan lines, broken lights, finding out the past owners connected copper to galvanized fittings, I’m sure there’s a bunch more. Plus one of our friends fell off the roof and had to go to the ER for stitches.

Basically three days of back breaking work in the (ridiculously) hot sun and we still have almost half of our trusses still on the roof that need to come down.

I feel like I should be wearing one of those shirts that says something witty like, “I’ve been to hell and back and all I got was this stupid shirt”. Because we thought it would take us one day of work to be where we are right now. And all I can say is I am so thankful that I go to work today (so does Mike). My real job suddenly feels like Christmas.

I can’t ignore that we did make some progress. Our new floor trusses get delivered this Friday and we are (mostly) ready for them. Slow progress is still progress (I read that on someone’s Facebook once – of course it was about working out at the gym).

This is a pic of the trusses over the current master bedroom that still need to come down:
no roof3_second_story_addition
(Don’t judge, that fan has to be cut out.)

Trusses over the room the girls shared that need to come down as well:
no roof6_second_story_addition

What you don’t see in the pic above is Mike. I cropped him out because the look on his face was priceless: a mashup of pain and disbelief.

Yeah, we are in the thick of it now people. There’s no turning back.

Here’s a pic showing the trusses, plywood, and plumbing we removed over the garage. In case you’re curious, all the plumbing, gas lines, ducting and electrical had to be pulled back. We will re-run all of those once the house is framed.
no roof7_second_story_addition

The first wall is up!
no roof2_second_story_addition

The second wall is up! Can you see where my front door and window will be? Pretty exciting!!!
no roof4_second_story_addition

And for us visual learners…

The mantra I keep telling myself is this is the last of the demo. Once this is done everything else will be a straight build.


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