Demo day eight-hundred million, six-hundred and fifty-four thousand, five-hundred and eighty.
Not really, but it seriously feels like it.
When we will stop demoing? I am ready for a new blog category!
I’ve got this sneaking suspicion that this is what hell may be like. Demoing with no end in sight. Not a breath of cool breeze. Never ending thirst, 100+°F weather with the sun radiating directly down on me without even a hair of shade, while the drywall and sawdust clings to my sweat covered skin.
If you want to know what it feels like, even for a second, turn your oven to high broil, wait a good 15 minutes for it to arrive at desired temp, open oven door, insert head…or just let the heat billow out onto you. It’s #painfulunbearableabsolutelyhorrible. And we have no water.
Thank God for the saving grace of neighbors who don’t mind us turning on their sprinklers and hoses and dancing in their front yards like banshees.
Hopefully our rain dances don’t bring forth the rain.
Now for the fruit of our labor, and to help you procrastinate on whatever you need to do today: here are some pics for your enjoyment, while I hate on the fact that you are probably sitting in your favorite chair, with your favorite drink, eating your favorite snack, in your comfy, air conditioned house (with a roof), and a lovely smirk on your face.
The new entry way and area where the stairs will be built. Like that high window? That’s where the landing is going to be (well, 32″ below the windowsill because I am an OCD weirdo like that)…
The new porch and front of house (remember this pic?)
The floor trusses that will soon be on top of the garage and bedrooms, forming the foundation for the second floor sheathing:
The garage and bedrooms where those trusses will go:
Even my lego houses have no roofs…
Aren’t the similarities striking? : )
by – Mike Hambel