After many renovations and many rooms I’ve finally decided to enter the ORC! I’m excited to challenge myself by creating a unique place in such a short time. Mike and I are no strangers to hustling on projects. In fact, if you’ve been following us for awhile you know that we’ve completed most of our projects pretty quickly.

We moved into this house a little over a year ago and in every home I’ve lived in, I’ve always had a garden…even in college. When we did our first walk through I knew this spot on the side of our house would be the perfect area for a kitchen garden or potager (if you’re French). However, with all of our other projects to modernize the house the side yard just grew weeds. This is the perfect opportunity for me to create the garden I need and just in time for Spring planting.

Here it is, in all it’s sunshiny glory. It was about 1 pm when I took this shot.
You can see the shade starting to cover it.

It’s already fenced off – so I don’t have to worry about the dogs or chickens getting in without an invitation. It is on the west side of the house and receives morning light but becomes shaded as the afternoon light creeps in. It’s also already plumbed for irrigation and drainage. It has a colored concrete slab that matches the rest of our backyard All great bones to start with! Some challenges: it’s where our air conditioning units and pool equipment are located; the block wall is 5′ tall and doesn’t offer as much privacy as I’d like; time management.

Looking back towards the rest of the yard

I’ll be doing a lot of the work myself. This will allow me to work on the project as much as possible without relying on a sub to finish the job. I’ve definitely got a ton of work ahead of myself. There’s weeding that needs to take place and then cutting out the posts and removing the current chain link fence around all the equipment. And that’s just the removing part. Don’t even get me started on all the stuff I have to build: new fencing/wall around the equipment; privacy screen on block wall; pool storage equipment/sitting area; potting table; planter beds. I also want to string lights across the garden area so it is also a welcoming retreat in the evenings. I’ve got a lot to do and I’m anxious to get started!

Here’s my plan:

So excited to have a garden and a new place to relax
Privacy screen and patio lights aren’t in the plans/rendering.
The equipment wall will be horizontal slats not vertical and not see through.

If you’d like to read more about this One Room Challenge, here’s links to the last five weeks for you to check out!

Week 2 – Raised planter bed tutorial and the plants we chose for our kitchen garden

Week 3 – Storage Bench tutorial and garden build/life update

Week 4 – Diy build of the equipment surround

Week 5 – DIY GIANT Barn Door, Ikea hacks and diy solar pendant lights on a pulley

Week 6 – The Reveal

I’m hoping that by planting the plants in the first week they will have grown to fill the area by the end of the 6th week. This garden is right next to the kitchen. It really is the ideal spot for a potager. Join me next week and see how far I get! Click on over to the official One Room Challenge page and check out all the other guest participant rooms, as well as the 20 Featured Designers.

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  1. Outdoor projects for spring ORC are the best! Loving your plan and looking forward to following along. Good luck! – Tee at Beauteeful Living

  2. This is going to great I am so excited to see you outdoor oasis come together! Perfect for summer living.

  3. Ooo it’s going to be such a cute space! I love what you’ve laid out so far! And I love that you have already decided what to plant. That’s one of my favorite parts!

    1. ❤️ we started our blog during one of our home renovations where we tore the roof off of our house and added a second story addition while we lived in a toy hauler with our kids on the side yard…it was definitely “real” ?

  4. I can see your vision and it’s beautiful! I have always wanted to do something like this to our home but it’s never made it high enough on the priority list. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  5. I have enjoyed watching you and Mike renovate everything. You guys do such great work and I can’t wait to see the final product.

  6. You are my hero!!! The work you do is awesome! Is your bathroom completed? All I can say is “wow” and I am happy to call you my friend! Have fun!

    1. The bathroom is almost done! I just need to finish the baseboards and cabinet trim work and put some shelves in by the bath tub…then touch up and style it 🙂 Thank you so much for being such a great support Teri!

  7. Big plans! I am so impressed that you will be doing a lot of this heavy work yourself. Can’t wait to see how it all turns out!

  8. You are an actual unicorn!! I always love the work you do. Anytime you get tired of being a medical angel, you could be a contractor/interior designer. I’ll be your first client!

  9. I’m so excited to see the reveal and more excited about the process. This will be our next project. So far we are growing lemons and pineapples ?

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