Welcome to week 3! The plants have really started to grow and are filling in the spaces. I got the drip irrigation all plumbed, bay leaf tree in a large pot (that I found for a steal at Sam’s Club), storage benches made and finished, and the start of the equipment wall and privacy screen in place. I’d be lying if I said I’m right where I would like to be, but honestly when I think about it, we accomplished a ton this past week.

We were also assaulted by an endless march of hungry caterpillars. But what’s a project without a little adversity? I spent a lot of time this week picking their fat, hairy bodies off of my new plants. However, the battle scars are still present – but that’s organic gardening right?

Luckily they spent a ton of time eating the plants around the pool, there were thousands.
Here’s the garden with the new drip lines installed
You can see the privacy screen post holders in place and how much the plants are growing
This bed is crazy because the lettuces were the quart sized transplants
Here’s the bed with corn, basil, and cabbage. You can see part of the potting bench too

I made the storage benches out of inexpensive fencing panels and pressure treated wood. The small bench was made by cutting the fence boards in half. The come in 6′ lengths. The three longer benches were made with full length boards. I’ll post a tutorial soon.

After I built the benches and their tops I sanded them down, stained them with Minwax Wiping Stain in Kona and sealed them with Thompson’s Clear Water Seal.

I built in a planter on the end of one of the benches. I plan to put some potatoes in it.
I’ve already got some pillows on them and the kids are hanging out on them while we’ve been tackling the equipment surround. Good news wifi works out here 🙂
Mike and I removed the chain link fence
Post holders in place and posts ready to go up!
You can see the hinges on the storage benches and the parts I didn’t bother sanding or staining because they come stained and those areas will be hidden.
We also celebrated the twins 4th birthday and went to Norco Horseweek Rodeo
Happy Birthday Jack and Kate! There was a parade for Horseweek and we may have told them it was a birthday parade.
We also squeezed in a trip to Ikea.

This was a busy week and I feel like it’s only going to get crazier because next week we have Easter festivities and we will need to finish the equipment surround and privacy fence and once Mike is done with the rough framing he will be done helping. I’m so lucky I was able to talk him in to helping me build that equipment surround and privacy fence. I could not have done it easily (or well) with out his help. I can build the boxes and the benches and do trim work but when it comes to large framing members he really is incredibly good at it…even if it isn’t his, “cup of tea.”

So, to break it down: this week I built and finished the storage benches; finished all the drip irrigation and planted my large tree; set the post holders for all the posts in the privacy fence and the equipment surround; made many trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot and a trip to Ikea; celebrated a birthday; went to a funeral; had company for the weekend and went to a rodeo. Phew. That was a lot.

The plan for next week: get as far as possible with the equipment surround and privacy fence. Hope you plan to come back and see if we got anything done on it, feel free to check out some of other guest designers in the One Room Challenge, along with the 20 Featured Designers.

If you’d like to read more about this One Room Challenge, here’s links to the last five weeks for you to check out!
Week 1 – focuses on plans and detailed drawings of the space as well as before pictures.

Week 2 – Raised planter bed tutorial and the plants we chose for our kitchen garden

Week 4 – Diy build of the equipment surround

Week 5 – DIY GIANT Barn Door, Ikea hacks and diy solar pendant lights on a pulley

Week 6 – The Reveal

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  1. Your so impressive! I’ve had a little patch of dirt that I’ve wanted to plant forever! But, not knowing where to begin makes me put it off. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. Can I borrow your green thumb?! Your garden is looking great and I can’t wait to see everything with the privacy fence up!

  3. Those benches look so good that Kona dark brown- love them! Your plants have really taken off in such a short time.

I promise to reply if you do!